Friday, June 3, 2011

Of bikes and stuff

Specialized TriCross Sport was my bike / weapon of choice for my trip through France. With the exception of the saddle (too narrow, race saddle, not built for long days sitting) I would not change a thing about this bike, it was really brilliant and even Simon commented on how light it was compared to is Long Haul Trucker, but that is a lovely steel frame :) Somehow I always (almost always!) managed to be second to the top of the Cols, think that's engine not bike :)

This has been a once a decade opportunity, whether I would do it again in a hurry, well, probably not. Its damned hard work, and I really cant sleep in a tent on a pretend mattress anymore - the old injuries make it just too hard to sleep well. But man, what an experience. The highs and lows were amazing, and those lows teach you so much about yourself, and what happens in the deep dark places when you go there - and how dragging yourself out of those low places - f'rinstance, climbing 10K of hard hill straight out of camp, after no sleep, stiff and sore from the day before - and packing a tanty half way up because its hard work. We all have our moments, and having a great mate like Simon there to be a part of it was kinda cool :)

And the payback, for example, when you spend 4 hours climbing 30k of hill, to get a 35k downhill that feels like heaven really should feel, well, that's just too much for words, beyond my capability for words anyway.

And then being tested again, cycling from the train station in Lyon to the airport into a howling gale on narrow fast and busy roads - scary as all hell, but the feeling of personal triumph upon arrival, huge. So, the trip is nearly over, and in an hour I will be watching as Heathrow slips away behind us as we head for LAX. Its been a challenging, fun and wonderful few weeks, and Im so glad I did it.

Do yourself a favour - if you can, don't hesitate, do it. Or wait 10 years and come with me when I do it again, this time without panniers and on a road bike :)

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