Saturday, May 14, 2011

2 days to go. Oh my.

Two days. That's not really that long is it? Two days - visit the Dr. for last minute sleeping pills for the joyous plane ride; down the road for a hair cut. Pack the bike up, and everything else. Start a blog. Say goodbye. Its only 3 weeks away in total, but Im nervous, but more excited than anything really. Its been a very long time since I was in Europe let alone France, and I cant wait.

So, this blog will capture the day to day in's and out's, the wanderings of two old buggers as we cycle through France. I will try and post daily, giving updates on what we've seen, what we've done, where we went and how sore our butts are. Plus the food and wine, and I'm sure the adventures and laughter we enjoy. Blogging from an iPhone might be a challenge, but there you go.

Onwards and upwards, and start as I mean to go on. To anyone who decides to follow this, I hope you enjoy it, and please stay in touch whilst we pedal slowly along, I would love to hear from you.

Much love, et bonne journee mes amis,



  1. Ok, I'm home now. Added the blog to Google Reader, as well as the comments :) Don't want to miss a beat!

    A fond farewell to you :)

  2. Hey NIgel, I am jealous, I just looooove bike touring, having travelled 7 countries on bike ages ago I still have the bike touring bug and I am sure it will never leave you either once you experience the freedom of travel, fun and adventures you will have, trust me you will absolutely love it, its the best way to see the world/country.. have fun Janex
