Friday, May 20, 2011

Day Duex

Breakfast: baguette, croissant, orange juice, cereal et chocolat chaud, lovely. Now to find coffee...

Coffee took a while. We left Lachamps around 830...

That's the Puy de Dome, used to be ridden in the TdF.

Some old person on a bike

YouTube Video

So we hit the road for a great mornings riding. Lovely smooth roads with some great descents plus some rather long climbs - nothing compared to the climbing we have tomorrow out of Mont Dore.

Around 1130 we found a brilliant cafe perched on the side of the road, and enjoyed crepes, croque monsieur, local cheeses and cold drinks.

The cheese, all local was lovely. From here it was around 15 or 20k to Mont Dore, more down than up with some huge and long descents - Mont Dore is quite literally at the bottom of a large valley. Some of the views along the ridges as we came in to town were lovely.

Also saw what was probably a road test of 10 brand new Mercedes, including some huge AMG's, a lovely sight. And so we finally rolled in to Mont Dore - very old, very beautiful.

Originally going to camp, the forecast is for rain and thunderstorms so we bagged that idea over afternoon tea

And have selected a nice centrally located hotel with a great bar downstairs. Yes, we're soft :)

All up a great second day. Still a bit worried about my stem, so keeping an eye on it, heavy braking brings on front wheel shimmy or wobbling, which at high speed is a little disconcerting! Some of the descents are fun, with very tight corners, so tight that leaning the bike too far over you run the risk of dragging your panniers on the ground - not fun. Some of the descents go on for 5k or more, brilliant fun and well earned payback for the long climbs.

Right shower time, then postcards and some wine I think. And some planning for tomorrow - apparently very hilly and the climb out of Mont Dore is 15% and very long so we think - hard day coming up.

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