Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So it's midnight

And I'm sitting eating dinner and drinking champagne. Nearly 3 hours into the flight when it arrived, after the captain told us the clear air turbulence (CAT) we had gone through was the worst he had been through in 30 years of flying.


Pass the bubbles I think. That wasn't fun. Huge lurch to the right and then the left, followed by sharp descent. And then 20 mins of all over the place. Food and drink trolley over on it's side, purser hit the floor like a rag doll.

Nah, I'm not scared. I'm drinking until I stop being scared!!

And now on with the movie updates - the only time I ever get to watch movies is when I fly, and I have 24 hours of movies to enjoy!!

Movie update 1: Tron. 6/10 damn I wanted this to be amazing being an old bugger who was a geek lover of the original. Not bad, great effects, not much story. Meh, story, it's scifi who needs story, glad I didn't pay to see it.

Movie update 2: Beneath Hill 60. 8/10 Wow. Broken men, broken lives. We have it so very easy and these men fought and died so we could have it so. If you have any interest in WW1 in general or the battle (first) of Messines Ridge, see this.

Movie update 3: The Green Hornet. 2/10, didn't last the distance - can I have that hour back please?

And we've landed in LA, still Tuesday here and a glorious afternoon. Coming in I had forgotten how big this city is, it's enormous - just like everything here!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:El Manor Ave,Los Angeles,United States

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