Saturday, May 21, 2011

The best days ride. Ever.

I ran out of words this morning, which for me is quite something :)

But first out and on the road, but not before some commentary and a warm greeting :)

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The climb out of Mont Dore is scary steep to start, and you have to climb up to the summit pass at 1450M - climbing gear engaged, helmet off and slowly make your way up. The road out of town was actually shut, but, being the young rebels that we are, we decided that was for cars not us :)

The road itself is that beautiful smooth bitumen and it's so nice to ride on. For the first 5k or so there was very little talking from the boys, strangely enough. As we came out of the treeline the views were amazing

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The road kept climbing, it took over an hour to get to the summit- I decided to stop on the way up in a particularly pretty spot

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And some idiot came past :)

We finally made the summit, and man was it worth it.

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The views from the summit were spectacular to say the least

And then into the downhill. We had read that you needed to check brakes first and it became clear quickly why - 5k of steep and twisty descent. I'm still 1 brake pad down, can't get a replacement, and had to decide between braking hard on my front brakes, risking a rim or tyre blow, or just going for it, a tad scary. Stopped half way down and my front rim was almost glowing and so hot it was impossible to touch. Stopped for a couple of minutes for them to cool

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Finally made the bottom of the descent intact but I need a brake pad replacement - and clean shorts!

From here it was rolling country with climbs and less steep descents that I could just cruise down, superb riding.

We stopped in the tiny village of Compains for lunch, was getting really hot. Lunch of charcuterie and ice cold Badoit hit the spot. We didn't really know what to expect for the afternoon ride, but straight into another 5k climb was what we got.

Once we hit the Col de la Chaumoune, 1155M then the magic started. Flowing downhill for ages, it was sheer bliss

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And I swear I didn't laugh honest - maybe a little ;)

The downhill just kept going and going, not too steep, smooth flowing fast and no traffic at all, I could not stop smiling.

As we flew along, the normal afternoon thunderheads built up and we briefly debated stopping to shelter but decided we could make our destination of Condat, outrun the approaching front.

Man did it get dark! As we arrived in Condat big drops started to fall and we again bagged camping and we are firmly and happily ensconced in the bar of an Auberge, showered, warm dry and beer to hand.

That was perhaps the best 60k I've ever ridden - challenging, scary, beautiful and so very satisfying. A great day to share with a great friend. I still have the smile on my face.

And finally, a little shout out to my darling Anna, well done on player of the day sweetheart :)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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