Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mountains are quite big aren't they?

Day one of our trip through the Cevennes was always going to be a hard day - 92k and a 1600m mountain to climb - and then descend.
We started with the plan to lunch and rest during the hottest part of the day, 1230 to 330. Even now in late May it's hitting 30 during that time, and the heat from the road and the rocks makes it hotter.

We found our way out of Millau after the bike shop ok, and bowled along through the gorge.

The gorge is lovely and we sat happily on 15kph even though it's uphill.

This 11th century church was close to our turnoff, and about 10k from our lunch stop - these villages are all medieval and still populated

From this point we climbed a small hill and then carried on through another valley to our lunch spot

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By the time we had finished lunch, an enormous bowl of gorgeous carbonara

It was time to get out of the sun for a rest

So after a quiet rest in the shade, we started what would be a 3 hour climb up to the summit of Mont Aigoual, at nearly 1600m our biggest climb so far. It was 27k of solid uphill riding from lunch, and there were some very hard bits mentally, that's for sure - so lots of excuses to stop for water and photos

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As we got close to the summit, around 7PM, I was feeling a tad emotional and very ready to stop. We had been told there was a Gite on the summit, but it was closed, so we had to descend another 25k to Meyrueis.

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So helmet on (taken off 3 hours earlier for the ascent) and down we go.


The first bit I took off and was going so fast it tore the velcroed map off my front pannier. Thankfully Simon was behind me and collected it, and off we went again.

This was a huge downhill with only a couple of places where peddling was required - k after k of forest and smooth road, gentle corners for the most part - apart from one I badly overcooked, came in way too hot and thank god my gravel MTB skills are still up there -rear wheel slide into the corner shouting "whoo hoo" at 40kph is only fun after it's been executed :)

Must have hit speeds of 70kph or so but that was the best downhill of my life ever. We arrived at the outskirts of Meyrueis,

YouTube Video

And we decided to hit the local campground - it was after 8PM we were both exhausted and had expectations of no food and a blow up mattress - right and wrong

So, tent up let's see what we can scavenge for dinner

This is France - dinner was three courses, home made vegetable soup, lamb curry and a lovely chocolate mousse, washed down with lovely cold beer. Now THATS a camp ground :) oh and the local girls turned up ;)

That was an enormous ride - 90k including 1600m mountain 9 hours ride time. But what a brilliant day, beyond all expectations.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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