Friday, May 20, 2011


Don't you hate a night of broken sleep? Slept well until 2AM then couldn't get settled again. Bum :(

Trying to get my washing dry at the moment, so a couple of photos to hand...

The French version of a Chinese laundry - and yes that's a bidet bottom (!) left and no I haven't used it

The view from the bathroom window at 610 AM, probably the same as it was at 610AM 150 years ago. So as my washing drys I'm swapping txt's with people and talking to Simon across the room as he plans his time after I've gone home.

Oh and to answer some questions...
Anita, helps being Gold Koru ;)
David, no spoky dokies I'm afraid, I struggle up the mountains as it is without additional extruded plastic :)
Anna, that's fantastic darling well done talk soon, love you xxx
James, thanks will make some more and post them when we find free wifi :) have fun with Stephen and say hi from me xx
Jane funny I knew you would love this :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Rue Sidoine Apollinaire,Mont-Dore,France

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