Friday, May 20, 2011

And it's goodnight from him

Dinner tonight was in our hotel restaurant; Terriene for me, charcuterie for Simon, and then we both opted for what turned out to be an average Coq au Vin

Yes, I know people who take photos of their food in restaurants deserve the death penalty, but I'm on holiday in a foreign country, I have the right to appear odd. Speaking my very basic French with a slight American accent means they think I'm simple so it's ok - hey Dr Boston!! :)

Walk around town tonight, found the road out for tomorrow and some more lovely old buildings.

This really is a lovely part if France, but man we are deep in a valley we have to climb out of tomorrow.

Right, washing done and hanging up, time to read and sleep I think - night all!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Rue Sidoine Apollinaire,Mont-Dore,France

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dad, Anna here I miss you. I got player of the day at soccer this morning. I was goalie first half. Oli won his game 7-2, which started late and we only got home at 12 noon. Oli is playing at Josh's house and Steven is coming over for a sleepover soon. Love you, Anna x
